We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who participated in these three days and a special thanks goes to our chairs, for their invaluable work in guiding each session with expertise and dedication. It has been a truly rewarding experience, filled with engaging discussions, insightful ideas, and meaningful exchanges. It was a pleasure to meet every one and to connect with this wonderful community here in Milan. Thank you once again for your enthusiasm and for being part of this journey with us. We look forward to meeting again and continuing this exchange of ideas on the next LAKES Workshop!
Thank You for Joining Us in Milan!

Tatiana Smirnova/CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA, Dmitrii Mironov/Deutscher Wetterdienst, Pengfei Xue/Michigan Technological University, Lijuan Wen/Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Homa Kheyrollah Pour/Wilfrid Laurier University, Cold Regions Research Centre, Maarten Boonekamp/TU Delft, Miguel Potes/University of Évora, Marco Papetti/Università degli studi di Brescia, César Ordóñez/Department F.-A. Forel for Environmental and Aquatic Sciences, University of Geneva, Damien Bouffard/Eawag, Patrick Le Moigne/Météo-France, CNRM, James Runnalls/Eawag, Claude Duguay/University of Waterloo, Gary Free/JRC, M.H.M. Anuththara Sadunmali Vasana Gunawardana/University of Twente, Netherlands, Marco Toffolon/University of Trento, Francesca Hinegk/University of Trento, Anna Joelle Greife/Università degli Studi di Milano, CNR IREA, Raffaella Frank/Università degli studi di Milano, YIfan Xie/WuHan University, Kirin Lorente/Wilfrid Laurier University, Chuyan Zhao/Michigan Technological University, Giacomo De Carolis/CNR – IREA, Elena Shevnina/Finnish Meteorological Institute, Margarita Choulga/ECMWF, Ekaterina Kurzeneva/Finnish Meteorological Institute, Mariano Bresciani/CNR – IREA, Laura Carrea/University of Reading, Anne Leroquais/Eawag, Clemence Houpert/INRAE, Daniel Odermatt/Eawag, Claudia Giardino, CNR – IREA, Marina Amadori/CNR – IREA, Monica Pinardi/CNR – IREA, Irina Fedorova/Institute of Botany after A.Takhtajyan National Academia of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Nicola Ghirardi/CNR-IBE, Alexander Smirnovsky/Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Lucia Maria Laurenza/CNR – IREA, Erica Matta /CNR-IRPI, Virginia Zamparelli/CNR – IREA, Stamatina Tounta/Department of Geoinformatics, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Sebastiano Piccolroaz/University of Trento, Galina Zdorovennova/Northern Water Problems Institute of the KarRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia, Gianfranco Fornaro/CNR – IREA

Lakes & Atmospheric Modelling
- Simulation of potential impacts of lakes on glacier over the Tibetan Plateau in summer Lijuan Wen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- The influence of a land use change scenario on climatic suitability for mosquitoes in the Netherlands Maarten Boonekamp, TU Delft/KNMI
- Gender mainstreaming Gelito Inácio Franco Sululu (remote), Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network
- Evaporation over glacial lakes in the Schirmacher oasis, East Antarctica Elena Shevnina, Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Effect of coarse climate model resolution on lake temperature simulation Marco Papetti, Università degli Studi di Brescia
- Response of lake ice cover to water level and air temperature variations in two norwegian hydropower reservoirs Francesca Hinegk, University of Trento
- Implementation of the Community Land Model (CLM) 4.5 Lake Model in the US NOAA Unified Forecasting System (UFS) Tatiana G. Smirnova, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
- The Influence of Climate Change, Solar Brightening, and Water Clarity on Thermal Structure in Lake Hallwil, Switzerland César Ordóñez, University of Geneva
- A Deep Learning Model for Lake Ice Cover Forecasting Claude R. Duguay, H2O Geomatics/University of Waterloo
- ALPLAKES: advancing lake research and management through open integration of remote sensing and hydrodynamic products Damien Bouffard, Eawag/University of Lausanne
- Advancing Modeling of Lake Ice Dynamics and Phenology in High-Latitude Regions Homa Kheyrollah Pour, Wilfrid Laurier University
- Enhancing Winter Climate Simulations of the Great Lakes: on the Importance of Integrating 3D Hydrodynamics with a Regional Climate Model Pengfei Xue, Michigan Technological University
- Overview of lake-related activities at Météo-France Patrick Le Moigne, Météo-France/CNRS
- The influence of the water transparency on the development of radiatively driven convection in lakes under ice Alexander Smirnovsky (remote), Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Ancillary data for modelling lakes
- Parameterization of lake ice structure: the role of precipitation and air temperature Galina E. Zdorovennova (remote), Northern Water Problems Institute
- Small alpine Armenian lakes degradation under climate warming and anthropogenic impact Irina Fedorova, Institute of Botany after A.Takhtadjan
- Time-varying lake surface cover for reanalysis application Margarita Choulga, ECMWF
- Status and Progress of Globlal Lake Database developments Ekaterina Kurzeneva, Finnish Meteorological Institute
- A simple model for predicting ice formation timing, thickness, and quality in lakes Sebastiano Piccolroaz (remote), University of Trento
- Heat and carbon fluxes over a large Mediterranean reservoir Miguel Potes, University of Évora
- Towards the Development of Global Gap-Filled Lake Surface Water Temperature and Ice Cover Products Laura Carrea, University of Reading

New frontiers for data assimilation from remote sensing
- Climate change and ecological assessment in Europe – using remote sensing and climate data to contextualize change Gary Free, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
- Remote sensing of tipping lakes Daniel Odermatt, Eawag
- CosmoSkyMed SAR observations of wind and surface currents over the Garda Lake. Preliminary results from the SARLAKES project Giacomo De Carolis, CNR-IREA
- New insights from the Lakes_CCI project on satellite-derived lake variables for climate studies Monica Pinardi, CNR-IREA
- Achievements, Developments and Perspectives of the SARLAKES Project Gianfranco Fornaro, CNR-IREA
CCI_lakes project: exploring satellite dataset Monica Pinardi, Alessandro Quirino Scotti CNR-IREA